
Webapper specializes in cloud consulting services. As an early adopter of cloud computing, we share insights from our experiences. %%page%%

Getting Started with AWS S3 Storage

Organizations of any size and in any industry can use Amazon S3 buckets to facilitate public cloud storage. In Amazon Web Services' (AWS), Simple Storage Service (S3) stores objects, which consist of data and descriptive metadata. Many companies deploy S3 for their websites, mobile apps, application file storage, and backups.

Getting Started with AWS S3 Storage2023-08-01T16:44:21-07:00

ColdFusion Is Nowhere Near Cloud Native

When we wrote about our lack of confidence in ColdFusion, we received some pushback that we were being too hard on Adobe. But the truth that remains a few months later is that ColdFusion is nowhere near cloud native, and the support of cloud methods is just not enough for the long haul.

ColdFusion Is Nowhere Near Cloud Native2022-10-05T16:21:33-07:00

Hybrid Cloud 101

We encounter many organizations who have not embraced or fully embraced the cloud yet. And an approach we occasionally recommend is using hybrid cloud. We explain key concepts, advantages, and guardrails for public & private cloud configurations in our explanation of Hybrid Cloud 101.

Hybrid Cloud 1012021-10-28T02:22:31-07:00

Life After a Lift & Shift Cloud Migration

We've written about several ways to migrate to the cloud, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The right cloud migration method depends on your organization's cloud readiness and ability to manage change. We'll take a closer look at lift & shift migration and what you may need to do in the aftermath.

Life After a Lift & Shift Cloud Migration2022-08-23T19:39:01-07:00
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